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Designers & manufacturers of unique fixings for the construction industry

Why use Tecties Tangle Free Ties?
Reduce waste
Require virtually no packaging
Are safer & increase productivity
Better for the environment
Save money
Meets European standards

Tecties provide builders’ merchants and trade stockists with a range of unique wall ties and construction fixings. Our ‘tangle free’ cavity wall ties are supplied in traditional bundles to reduce packaging waste and are designed to increase productivity with safety and sustainability in mind.
Our products range from cavity wall ties to movement ties, frame fixings to plasterers beads and are all available to builders’ merchants and trade stockists across the UK. We are a family business and have a deep rooted history in the construction fixings market, our family designing and making the first volume production wall tie machines in the UK back in the 1950s.
Ask about our new brickwork restraint system designed to tie brickwork to steel columns or concrete structures.
Build with confidence with our new
25/14 Channel System